【天天看影院】分享全网热门影视剧情片作品,《阿基拉的逃亡 》于2020年在加拿大,美国定档播出,由知名演员索尔·威廉姆斯,奥妮克·阿德莉,布鲁斯·拉姆塞在持之以恒的努力下共同完成,《阿基拉的逃亡 》剧情简介:Akilla's Escape weaves the present and past in a crime-noir about the urban child-soldier. Set in Toronto and New York where over 450,00 Jamaicans reside, the story speaks to the historical criminalization of black boys that modern society overlooks.Akilla Brown is forty-years-old and for the first time in his life, the clandestine cannabis grow operation he runs is legit. Only one year into government approval legalization, the pendulum of hypocrisy takes a toll and Akilla decides to cash out. While making a routine delivery on a cool, summer night, destiny takes an unexpected turn when Akilla confronts a firestorm of masked youths in an armed robbery.In the aftermath of the heist, Akilla captures one of the thieves, a mute fifteen-year-old boy named Sheppard. Upon leaning the bandits are affiliated with the Garrison Army, a Jamaican crime syndicate his grandfather founded. Akilla is forced to reckon with a cycle of violence he thought he escaped.该影片总能在各路演员的倾情演绎下使得观众总能更快的融入影片当中;《阿基拉的逃亡 》的剧情饱满环环相扣跌宕起伏,是非常值得各位看客反复多次观看的影片,似乎每遍都能有新的解读,该片广受好评,是一部让许多影视爱好者保存与分享的佳作,影片的人物设定切合影片主题,是一部引人深思,让人意犹未尽的作品,《阿基拉的逃亡 》总是能让人在快节奏的时代里慢下来享受这仅仅属于你的闲暇时间~【天天看影院】每日分享热门精彩好看的作品,欢迎大家收藏!